11th Annual Diwali Celebrations at Muriel Arnason Library

LANGLEY, BC - On Saturday, October 18th, Muriel Arnason Library and the Township of Langley celebrated their 11th annual Diwali, the Festival of Lights.  Around 500 people participated in this colorful event and enjoyed Henna, crafts, face painting, Sari wrapping demonstrations, learning a few steps of Punjabi Folk Dance Bhangra and how to say Hello in several different languages, entering the draw, and food in a festive atmosphere.
See the news:
Langley Today: http://www.langleytoday.ca/diwali-celebrations-at-muriel-arnason/

The Voice Newspaper: http://www.voiceonline.com/11th-annual-diwali-celebrations-at-muriel-arnason-library/